bandage-hIf you sustain an injury while on the job, you do have numerous rights designed to protect you medically and financially. The legal system can be complicated and often require the legal expertise of an experienced attorney trained to fight for and protect your legal rights. As an injured worker, you will immediately face numerous issues and challenges which can be difficult, frustrating, emotionally exhausting and very time consuming.

With more than thirty seven (37) years of experience, The Galerman Law Group can and will provide the legal know-how and dedication to protect your rights that you deserve. He have consistently obtained benefits for injured workers and in numerous cases, and have secured large lump-sum settlements on behalf of our clients. Let us fight to assure you and your family that you will get all the benefits you are entitled to receive under the law.

Our Firm has assembled a team dedicated exclusively to helping injured workers. Here’s when you should contact us for free legal help:

  • If you were hurt on the job and have been denied benefits.
  • If you are in danger of losing your benefits and the insurance company has sent you a letter to terminate, modify, or suspend your work comp benefits.
  • If you are being forced back to work but you are still too injured to go back.
  • If you are interested in settling your claim for a lump sum of money to get off comp and get on with your life.
  • If your injury resulted in a scar to your head, face or neck

Social Security Disability

ssdisability-hIf you are unable to work as the result of a sustained injury or other medical illness, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability Benefits (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income Benefits (SSI). Those benefits may be sought regardless of where or how the disability arises. Whether from a work-related incident, accident or illness, if you are unable to work as the result of an injury or illness that lasts for a minimum of one year, or have suffered an illness or medical condition that will ultimately result in death, it is clearly in your and your family’s best interest to contact our firm immediately.

Most applications for SSD and SSI are initially denied due to the applicants’ failure to obtain and adequately present the evidence that is necessary and required by the Social Security Administration to substantiate a claim and prove that the injury, illness or condition is in fact a disability that prevents an applicant from working.

Appealing a denial can be lengthy, extremely difficult and overwhelming for an unrepresented applicant. Our experienced Social Security Disability Lawyers continue to successfully handle difficult and complex cases for disabled individuals who, at first, felt hopeless and alone with nowhere to turn for desperately needed help.